General Information
Important Dates & Deadlines
December 15, 2011 |
Deadline for online registration and abstract submission through the ABC2012 homepage. |
December 23, 2011 |
Deadline for online registration and abstract submission through the ABC2012 homepage is extended until Dec. 23, 2011! |
January 16, 2012 |
Letters of acceptance and detailed information will be e-mailed to all participants. |
January 31, 2012 |
Deadline for receival of the signed payment form via FAX by the ABC2012 Meeting Office. Extended to Feb. 8!! |
February 3, 2012 |
Participants with submitted abstracts will be informed about the type of their presentation (poster or talk). |
February 7, 2012 |
Type of presentation has been emailed to participants. Many apologies for the delay! |
February 7, 2012 |
Travel data form is online. Please login on top of page and submit under the button "User Profile" until February 22! |
February 8, 2012 |
Deadline for receival of the signed payment form by fax or bank transfer is extended to February 8, 2012! |
February 20, 2012 |
Deadline for cancellations to obtain a full refund of paid fees minus a 50 € handling fee! No refunds will be possible after February 20. |
The registration fees are 830,- € for students and postdocs, 1030,- € for principal investigators, and 1.500,- € for participants from pharmaceutical and biotech industry. The registration fees include roundtrip shuttle transportation from Innsbruck Airport or train station, full board and lodging (6 nights) at the venue.
No payments may be made before notification of acceptance has been received from the organizers.
Please note that rooms have been pre-booked by the organizers and therefore no booking by participants is necessary!
Should you need accomodation for additional nights before and/or after the meeting, please contact the ABC2012 Meeting Office.

The organizers are glad to announce that 16 student fellowships (registration fee waiver) will be available.
Step-by-step procedure:
Applicants must send an email to info@febs-abc2012.org with the subject header "Fellowship Application ABC2012"
The following attachments must be included in the email as pdf files:
1. A 1-page motivation letter indicating how many times a fellowship if any has been received for past ABC meetings.
2. One letter of reference and confirmation about student status by the PhD supervisor/ institution.
3. A copy of the submitted abstract as FIRST author including the registration number.
DEADLINE: December 23, 2011. Applications received after the deadline will NOT be considered.
The official meeting language is English.
Download the current ABC2012 poster (PDF 1,1MB). |