Publication: Xie J et al. The Paralogous Histone ...
Publication: Wirnsberger G et al. Inhibition of CBLB protects ...
Publication: Tscherner M et al. The Candida albicans Histone ...
Publication: Zwolanek F et al. The non-receptor tyrosine kinase ...
Publication: Schwarzmüller T et al. Systematic phenotyping of ...
Publication: Hnisz D et al. A histone deacetylase adjusts ...
Main Research Interests

We study fundamental problems in infection biology using a combination of molecular as well as genome-wide and systems biology approaches. We are particularly interested in a better understanding of the dynamic gene regulation during host-pathogen interplay, with a focus on fungal pathogens such as Candida spp.
On the pathogen side, we use reverse genetics, systems biology and functional genomics strategies (gene deletions, RNA-Seq / Chip-Seq) to (i) identify virulence and antifungal drug resistance genes, (ii) decipher the role of histone modifications and chromatin alterations in morphogenetic switching or cell fate determination, and (iii) study signaling mechanisms during fungal morphogenesis and host colonization.
On the host side, we exploit transcriptomics and proteomics of primary phagocytes (macrophages, dendritic cells, neutrophils) and T cells to study (i) the mechanisms of gene regulation underlying fungal immunity, (ii) the interplay of adaptive (T cells) and innate (dendritic cells) immunity in fungal surveillance, and (iii) type I interferon signaling (i.e. IFNbeta) and inflammation controlling the function and activity of inflammatory phagocytes (monocytes, neutrophils and T cells), and, (iv), the critical role of Th17 inflammation on pathogen elimination in invasive fungal diseases.